Savetheclock Savetheclock

We are an awarded
lighting design studio
based in Milan.

Via Cadore 33
20135 Milan Italy

+39 348 1804 815

Cappella S. Monica

A few steps from Piazza Navona, in the wonderful Basilica of St. Augustine, which houses works by Caravaggio, Raphael, Bernini, Sansovino, there is the Chapel of Santa Monica (mother of Sant'Agostino) and the sarcophagus with the relics of the Saint. Three ignitions allow to manage lighting in a flexible way, in the different fruitive moments of the Chapel. The environment is a crypt for those who arrive: only the altarpiece, the wall tombs, the urn and the frescoed vault stand out in the dark. With a switch, visitors give light to the frescoes that tell the life of S.Monica, for a set period of time. During the liturgical functions, the lighting becomes more intense and direct on the altar, ambo and kneelers, to encourage the gathering of the faithful and the reading of the sacred scriptures.

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